Guided user interface:
Quickly lay out sophisticated reports—from scratch, from templates, or from existing reports.
Built-in financial and operational reports:
Gain greater insight into financial performance, and make better decisions, with 150 built-in reports.
Dimension-driven reporting:
Create reports using a visual user interface that enables you to quickly filter, group, and summarize your data by business driver, and quickly answer any business question.
Eight standard dimensions:
Quickly slice, dice, and summarize your data by business drivers including project, customer, location, department, vendor, item, employee, and class.
User-defined dimensions: Add user-defined dimensions for greater reporting flexibility and granularity.
Statistical accounts:
Use statistical accounts that store non-financial data and incorporate operational metrics and ratios in your financial reports.
Budget vs. actual reporting:
Incorporate budgets into financial reports to track relative performance.
Operational reporting:
Create new reports on dozens of types of records such as open invoices, missing time sheets, and customer aging.
Flexible account groups:
Combine any accounts to build account groups, and even create computational groups for advanced KPIs such as DSO and Inventory Days.
Account groups in reports:
Drag and drop account groups to build virtually any reporting layout for various GAAP and industry requirements.
Drill-down capabilities:
Drill from summary numbers to detailed figures, journal entries, and underlying transactions.